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And yet more strongly, and, as it may still seem to many minds, with convincing reason, he objected to an eleemosynary system, which “precludes the poor mother from the strongest motive human nature can be actuated by for industry, for forethought, and self-denial.” “The Spartan,” he said, “and other ancient communities, might disregard domestic ties, because they had the substitution of country, which we cannot have. Our course is to supplant domestic attachments, without the possibility of substituting others more capacious ud zephyrus v2
What can grow out of it but selfishness?” The half-century which has elapsed since Wordsworth wrote these words has evidently altered the state of the question. It has impressed on us the paramount necessity of national education, for reasons political and social too well known to repeat. But it may be feared that it has also shifted the incidence of Wordsworth’s arguments in a more sinister manner, by vastly of those homes where domestic influence of the kind which the poet saw around him at Rydal is altogether wanting and school is the best avenue even to moral well-being. “Heaven and hell,” he writes in 1808, “are scarcely more different from each other than Sheffield and Manchester, &c., differ from the plains and valleys of Surrey, Essex, Cumberland, or Westmoreland Cheap accommodation Hong Kong.”
It is to be feared, indeed, that even “the plains and valleys of Surrey and Essex” contain many cottages whose spiritual and sanitary conditions fall far short of the poet’s ideal. But it is of course in the great and growing centres of population that the dangers which he dreads have come upon us in their most aggravated form. And so long as there are in England so many homes to which parental care and the influences of Nature are alike unknown, no protest in favour of the paramount importance of these primary agencies in the formation of character can be regarded as altogether out of date hotel hong kong.
With such severe and almost prosaic themes is the greater part of the Excursion occupied. Yet the poem is far from being composed throughout in a prosaic spirit. “Of its bones is coral made;” its arguments and theories have lain long in Wordsworth’s mind, and have accreted to themselves a rich investiture of observation and feeling. Some of its passages rank among the poet’s highest flights. Such is the passage in Book I describing the boy’s rapture at sunrise; and the picture of a sunset at the close of the same book. Such is the opening of Book IV; and the passage describing the wild joy of roaming through a mountain storm; and the metaphor in the same book which compares the mind’s power of transfiguring the obstacles which beset her, with the glory into which the moon incorporates the umbrage that would intercept her beams.
What can grow out of it but selfishness?” The half-century which has elapsed since Wordsworth wrote these words has evidently altered the state of the question. It has impressed on us the paramount necessity of national education, for reasons political and social too well known to repeat. But it may be feared that it has also shifted the incidence of Wordsworth’s arguments in a more sinister manner, by vastly of those homes where domestic influence of the kind which the poet saw around him at Rydal is altogether wanting and school is the best avenue even to moral well-being. “Heaven and hell,” he writes in 1808, “are scarcely more different from each other than Sheffield and Manchester, &c., differ from the plains and valleys of Surrey, Essex, Cumberland, or Westmoreland Cheap accommodation Hong Kong.”
It is to be feared, indeed, that even “the plains and valleys of Surrey and Essex” contain many cottages whose spiritual and sanitary conditions fall far short of the poet’s ideal. But it is of course in the great and growing centres of population that the dangers which he dreads have come upon us in their most aggravated form. And so long as there are in England so many homes to which parental care and the influences of Nature are alike unknown, no protest in favour of the paramount importance of these primary agencies in the formation of character can be regarded as altogether out of date hotel hong kong.
With such severe and almost prosaic themes is the greater part of the Excursion occupied. Yet the poem is far from being composed throughout in a prosaic spirit. “Of its bones is coral made;” its arguments and theories have lain long in Wordsworth’s mind, and have accreted to themselves a rich investiture of observation and feeling. Some of its passages rank among the poet’s highest flights. Such is the passage in Book I describing the boy’s rapture at sunrise; and the picture of a sunset at the close of the same book. Such is the opening of Book IV; and the passage describing the wild joy of roaming through a mountain storm; and the metaphor in the same book which compares the mind’s power of transfiguring the obstacles which beset her, with the glory into which the moon incorporates the umbrage that would intercept her beams.